Just Train Challenge

Client: Just Train Fitness
Project: Fitness Challenge Microsite
UX Role: Senior Visual Designer (Project Lead)

Microsite to push users to engage with a virtual challenge exercise and be a part of a community fostered for personal goal achievement  and physical fitness. The theme is anchored through celebrity associations.

Creating a Captivating Athletic Design

This project was a contracted task from a client with heavy association anchored to a Celebrity Trainer that wanted to begin offering his own fitness challenge and develop a community committed to health and achieving personal goals. It was important in this design to leverage the existing library of assets from workout sessions and associate it with the current celebrity reference of Kevin Hart and his trainer Boss Everline.

The look and feel needed an extreme sports feel to properly speak to this target audience. Social Media groups were organized to form the initial community and content structure was organized and segregated to feed this drive and encourage users with constant reminders of the achievements of other personas also engaged in the program.