NCL Blog

Client: Norwegian Cruise Lines
Project: NCL Blog
UX Role: Senior Experience Designer (Project Lead)

Transitioning a legacy facing blog experience away from static facing information structures, into a chronological model intended to function as a content hub where users can explore based on interest.

Evolving the Content of the NCL Blog

For this project, it was assessed that our existing blog experience was dated and not representative of modern practices. This would include both organizing content or leveraging content in general for an optimal practice when indexing within search engines.

Legacy Blog Redesigned

The scope of the task was inclusive of an overview page template, a category page template and a post details page template. The overview page would now support a deeper high level engagement with category taxonomy through leveraging iconography for more prominent points of engagement and a link system for surfacing a wider range of category options for less prominent points of engagement.

The final approach to this adjusted user interface deepens the ability to index values in search engines and pull in more external traffic through keyword searches. The redesigned home page also leverages new modules for organizing information via a Content Hub approach with “Favorited Destinations” at the top of the page and grouped sections per guest interests as the user scrolls lower down the page.