NCL Cruise Coach

Client: Norwegian Cruise Lines
Project: Cruise Coach - Redesigned
UX Role: Senior Experience Designer (Project Lead)

Engineering a catered experience to target a guest interests and profile their engagement for future personalization efforts.  This flow represents an effort to role out a sophisticated means of Itinerary selection for guests that are uncertain on what type of cruise journey they are seeking.

In this flow we walk the guest through targeted questions designed to capture all core considerations when deciding on a vacation adventure and then taking the guest to a specialized results page showing this information coupled with opportunities for add-ons and upgrades.

A Guide for Guests Lost Decision

This experience lives outside the primary search results on our main website and is intended for guests to choose in advance to go through this flow. A possible reason could be because they find the standard cruise selection process either tedious or not informative enough to capture their specific needs or interests.